Google Drops Forced Arbitration of Sexual-Harassment Claims

Google has ended forced arbitration of sexual harassment claims by employees, as it tries to quell an internal storm over the way it buried earlier cases involving senior executives.

Brazil judicial decision: supply chain violations – Case number: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003

The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed the decision (Case number: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003) that held the Spanish fashion retailer Zara accountable for workers’ rights violation in its supply chain. The …

La cita de Uber a la corte pone la mayor prueba a la economía colaborativa

Tan solo unos meses después de que Uber Technologies Inc. persuadiera a un juez de Londres para que le permitiera seguir operando en la ciudad, la compañía de transporte privado …

Droit à la syndicalisation et la négociation collective – 25 000 femmes soulignent les 10 ans d’un jugement sans précédent de la Cour supérieure

MONTRÉAL, le 30 oct. 2018 /CNW Telbec/ – Le 31 octobre marque le 10e anniversaire d’un jugement notable rendu par la juge Danielle Grenier de la Cour supérieure en 2008, qui a permis à plus de …

Libertad sindical y contratación colectiva serán ejes de la Reforma Laboral

Los ejes de la reforma constitucional a la Ley Federal de Trabajo, en los próximos días se presentará al Congreso de la Unión la propuesta de reforma a las leyes …

Why Pregnancy Discrimination Still Matters

As evidenced by last year’s infamous Google memo, there somehow still exist those who’ll defend sex and gender-based discrimination with claims of supposedly innate differences (like men being more logical, …

Uber challenges ruling on drivers’ rights at court of appeal

Uber has launched a court challenge against a landmark legal ruling that set a precedent for millions of gig economy workers. The attempt to overturn the employment tribunal ruling that the company’s …

Federal unions want Tory labour laws repealed before next election

Federal unions want the Trudeau government to repeal Harper-era labour legislation that, they say, watered down collective bargaining rights and gave the government the power to unilaterally take away public …

Defense Contractor Accused of Slighting Reservists in Hiring

In October 2014, Nathan Kay applied for a job as a pilot at L3 Technologies, a Pentagon contractor that helps conduct surveillance and reconnaissance missions around the world. Mr. Kay …

NLRB OKs Employers Challenging Unions Before CBAs Start

Law360 (October 29, 2018, 7:28 PM EDT) — Employers can challenge whether unions still have majority support from the bargaining units they represent during the time period between when a …