Deux ONG, le Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne (CCEM) et Sherpa, ont annoncé jeudi le dépôt à Paris d’une plainte contre le groupe Vinci sur les conditions dans lesquelles sont construites …
Deux ONG, le Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne (CCEM) et Sherpa, ont annoncé jeudi le dépôt à Paris d’une plainte contre le groupe Vinci sur les conditions dans lesquelles sont construites …
Minicab drivers for Addison Lee are not self-employed contractors but workers with rights and are entitled to the national minimum wage and paid holiday, according to the latest gig economy …
A North Korean labourer has filed a landmark criminal complaint against a Dutch shipbuilding company that allegedly profited from the abuse of workers in its supply chain in Poland and …
The High Court today declared the decision of the Home Office to cut weekly benefits to asylum seeking victims of trafficking by over 40% – from £65 to £37.75 per …
Hundreds of “precarious workers” marched through London as Uber faced the Court of Appeal in a landmark case over its drivers’ employment status and rights. The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) organised the protest …