Der KiK-Fall: Eine ganze Industrie schaut am 10. Januar auf das LG Dortmund

Der KiK-Fall, der heute vor dem LG Dortmund verhandelt wird (AZ O 95/15), könnte eine ganze Industrie umkrempeln. Wahrscheinlich wird das nicht passieren, da die Ansprüche verjährt sein könnten. Die Argumentation der …


The Regional Court in Dortmund will not investigate the facts in the case against the German textile retailer KiK. The proceedings were initiated by four Pakistani plaintiffs who were affected by …

Employers started to register the employees as self-employed

Starting from January 1, 2019, a new federal law “On conducting an experiment to establish a special tax regime “professional income tax” in Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions and in …

İZBAN strike banned with Presidential Decree, signed by Erdoğan

The strike that İzmir Suburban Rail System (İZBAN) workers have kept up for one month to gain the same pay as other rail transport workers has been banned by President …

Uber banned by Brussels judge

The service was declared illegal by the Dutch-speaking tribunal of commerce in the capital. The ruling applies in general, regardless of language considerations. The court ruled that the law permitted only taxi …

Nigeria: Treatise on Labour Law: A Review of the Recent Uber Decision

This treatise reviews the recent decision of the UK Court of Appeal between Uber and its drivers. The Court of Appeal, in a 2-1 decision delivered on 7th December 2018, …

Belgium: ITUC, “2019 ITUC Global Rights Index – The World’s Worst Countries for Workers”, 2019

The 2019 index shows that Belgium has fallen in the ranking and is now a country in which rights violations are repeated (rather than sporadic as previously). In addition, 18 …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2019

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters from …

The Guardian view on the gig economy: rights need enforcing (Editorial)

The increased level of intervention by the government in the labour market since Theresa May became prime minister is both rational and humane. The UK economy is too reliant on …

FactSheet European Court of Human Rights: Trade Union Rights

This factsheet summarizes most of the trade union rights related cases decided by the European Court of Human Rights.