French Supreme Court issues decisive ruling on charges faced by the multinational

Today, the French Supreme Court confirmed the charge of complicity in crimes against humanity against French cement manufacturer Lafarge (now part of Holcim group). However, the court dropped the charge …

Spain: Trabajo investiga a Glovo y Uber Eats tras detectar a extranjeros sin papeles haciendo de repartidores (Labor investigates Glovo and Uber Eats after detecting undocumented foreigners acting as delivery drivers)

The Labor Inspection is monitoring the home delivery companies Glovo and Uber Eats after having detected that their delivery drivers subcontract foreigners without permission to make deliveries in their place, in exchange for a percentage of …

Digital labour platforms and social dialogue at EU level: How new players redefine actors and their roles and what this means for collective bargaining

“Digital labour platforms transform work and employment relations in many ways. Crucially, they renounce the role of the employer, leading to a redefinition of traditional categories of actors and their …


Platform workers often face a justice gap in enforcing their rights and this is mainly due to the extensive use of algorithmic management practices that are central to their business …

J.K. v TP S.A. and the ‘Universal’ Scope of EU Anti-Discrimination Law at Work: A Paradigm Shift?

“Case C-356/21 J.K. v TP S.A. has been hailed as a transformative step forward in defining the personal scope of application of European anti-discrimination law and, potentially, determining the wider construction of …

Member states deal heavy blow to platform work deal

A provisional deal found last week at the outset of negotiations between the European Commission, the Spanish Presidency and MEPs – known as ‘trilogues’ – failed to secure a qualified …

Belgian court rules Deliveroo couriers should be classed as employees

 Brussels labour court ruled on Friday that Deliveroo couriers should be classed as employees, potentially giving them more benefits and overturning an earlier judgment in favour of the British food delivery …

EU agrees on forced labour, environmental harm disclosures for companies

Large companies in the European Union will have to identify and take remedial action if they find their supply chains employing child labour or damaging the environment, the bloc’s lawmakers …

Automated Processing of Data on Work Performance and Employee Evaluation: A Case Study of Practices at Amazon Warehouses in Poland

“The subject of this article is the algorithmic employee evaluation system at Amazon’s warehouses in Poland. A weekly performance review, the evaluation is a measure of productivity and quality, gathered …

Humpert and Others v. Germany

Facts – At the relevant time, the four applicants were State school teachers with civil-servant status employed by different German Länder. They were all members of the Trade Union for Education and …