European Parliament – Access to legal remedies for victims of corporate human rights abuses in third countries

European-based multinational corporations can cause or be complicit in human rights abuses in third countries. Victims of corporate human rights abuses frequently face many hurdles when attempting to hold corporations …

UK: “Implied Terms and Human Rights in the Contract of Employment”

Research Article Abstract Posted in Front of Paywall: “This article considers the potential for implied terms in the contract of employment to protect employees’ human rights. The slim prospects of …

Belgium: T.Trav. Liege, 20 Feb. 2019

The ban on wearing an Islamic headscarf, under the company’s internal rule prohibiting the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign in the workplace, is appropriate and necessary …

U.N. Criticizes Irish Fishers’ Scheme for Migrant Workers

Four U.N. Special Rapporteurs have signed a joint letter damning the Irish government’s work permit scheme for non-European workers in the fishing industry. The letter comes from the Special Rapporteurs …

UK: London Underground Ltd v Amissah & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 125 (19 February 2019), Case No: A2/2017/0040

This decision was published by the [England and Wales] Court of Appeal (Civil Division) (“EWCA”) on Appeal from the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the United Kingdom (“UKEAT”), based upon the …

Case Nr. C-154/18, Horgan and Keegan v. Minister for Education and Skills et alii

Salary scale and classification on that scale upon recruitment less advantageous than that applicable to teachers already employed as such Article 2(2)(b) of Directive 2000/78 must be interpreted to the …

“Are employers doing enough to support employees who have caring responsibilities?” (United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland)

This story reviews “Juggling work and unpaid care: a growing issue,” an online poll undertaken from December 28, 2018 through January 4, 2019, and the poll’s accompanying report, which was …

France: Guide against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace from Labor Agency “Direction Générale du Travail”

Recognized as Great National Cause, gender inequality needs to be fought with concrete actions.  This guide provides for mandatory information to be provided to employees including how to bring a …

Belgium: Pierre Jassogne, Minimum service: workers “hostage”?, Alter Echos

In its government agreement, the last government mentioned the establishment of a guaranteed service in three sectors: rail transport, prisons and air traffic control. This is as a means of …

German Development Ministry drafts law on mandatory human rights due diligence for German companies

As reported by German newspaper TAZ (“Die Tageszeitung”) on 10 February 2019, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has drafted an as of yet unpublished law …