Workers in Spain’s Strawberry Fields Speak Out on Abuse

ALMONTE, Spain — A little over a year ago, a young mother left her children in the care of her husband in Morocco and went to work on a strawberry …

UK Govt. releases guidelines on human rights defenders & outlines support to defenders working on business and human rights

“To demonstrate our commitment of continued support of human rights defenders globally, this document sets out why human rights defenders are important to us and acknowledges the risks they face …

Court of appeal decision threatens right to strike in Belgium

An appeals court in Belgium has upheld the conviction of trade unionist Bruno Verlaeckt for his role in a demonstration in Antwerp three years ago. The ruling on 26 June …

EU requests expert panel to convene in S. Korea’s dispute with EU over labor issues

The EU formally requested the South Korean government to convene a panel of experts over violations of the two sides’ Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The issue concerns the South Korean …

Time to stop platforms from charging recruitment fees to workers

Should digital platforms be allowed to charge fees to workers to work? If ordinary rules were clearly applied to platform work, the answer would be a resounding “No”. Workers should, …

Violations des droits des travailleurs : mise en examen historique de SAMSUNG France pour pratiques commerciales trompeuses

Après une épopée judiciaire initiée par Sherpa et ActionAid France il y a plus de six ans, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS France SAS a été mise en examen du chef de pratiques …

Ictu to press for introduction of EU collective bargaining directive

Ireland’s trade unions are to press for European Union-wide legislation in a bid to overcome Irish laws that allow employers not to recognise unions in pay disputes. The Irish Congress of …

Government to go ahead with plans for self-employed to access jobseeker’s payments

SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS WILL soon be able to access jobseeker’s benefit after a new bill gained Cabinet approval this week.  In April, the government promised to bring forward legislation to provide self-employed workers …

The platform economy and social law : Key issues in comparative perspective

Bordeaux University’s Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (COMPTRASEC) held a European workshop in November 2018 dedicated to a comparative legal approach to the platform economy and the …

Fresh abuse claims from women picking Spain’s strawberries

Moroccan women say they have faced exploitation and abuse this year in the strawberry fields of southern Spain, which supplies fruit to supermarkets and restaurants across the UK. International human …