ALMONTE, Spain — A little over a year ago, a young mother left her children in the care of her husband in Morocco and went to work on a strawberry …
ALMONTE, Spain — A little over a year ago, a young mother left her children in the care of her husband in Morocco and went to work on a strawberry …
“To demonstrate our commitment of continued support of human rights defenders globally, this document sets out why human rights defenders are important to us and acknowledges the risks they face …
An appeals court in Belgium has upheld the conviction of trade unionist Bruno Verlaeckt for his role in a demonstration in Antwerp three years ago. The ruling on 26 June …
The EU formally requested the South Korean government to convene a panel of experts over violations of the two sides’ Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The issue concerns the South Korean …
Should digital platforms be allowed to charge fees to workers to work? If ordinary rules were clearly applied to platform work, the answer would be a resounding “No”. Workers should, …
Après une épopée judiciaire initiée par Sherpa et ActionAid France il y a plus de six ans, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS France SAS a été mise en examen du chef de pratiques …
SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS WILL soon be able to access jobseeker’s benefit after a new bill gained Cabinet approval this week. In April, the government promised to bring forward legislation to provide self-employed workers …
Moroccan women say they have faced exploitation and abuse this year in the strawberry fields of southern Spain, which supplies fruit to supermarkets and restaurants across the UK. International human …