Greece scraps legal need for lay-off justification

“Greece’s new center-right government has scrapped legislation that required employers to provide a “well-founded” reason for dismissals.” Labor Minister Giannis Vroutsis signed the change into effect Monday, abolishing the rules …

‘Alarming’ rates of sexual harassment and stress among Swiss apprentices

Some two-thirds of apprentices in Switzerland, many of whom are minors, have experienced sexual harassment – one-third of whom say that it occurred in the workplace. This is according to …

EU Directive on Transparent & Predictable Working Conditions in the European Union

With the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions, workers in the EU will have the right to: more complete information on the essential aspects of their work, to be received …

Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame

This collection of four volumes charts the development of collective bargaining since the year 2000 in the 28 EU Member States. These four volumes document how the institutions of collective …

Rethinking the Competition Law/Labour Law Interaction

The spread of non-standard forms of work, including platform work, has created some friction between labour law and competition law, in particular concerning the collective bargaining of self-employed workers. This …

Holiday chaos looms as attempts by BA to block pilot strikes fail

Strikes by British Airways pilots could disrupt hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers from August after the airline lost a second legal attempt to block industrial action. The court of appeal on …

Crossrail hired security firm to monitor trade unionists

“Senior managers at Crossrail, the huge publicly funded rail project in London, hired a corporate security company to monitor trade unionists who were campaigning against blacklisting across the construction industry, …

Madrid court rules Deliveroo couriers are employees, not freelancers

A Madrid court ruled on Tuesday that couriers for online food delivery group Deliveroo are company employees, not just freelancers, clearing the way for workers to demand a formal contract …

La Seguridad Social gana el macrojuicio contra Deliveroo: los ‘riders’ son asalariados, no autónomos

“La larga lucha entre la Seguridad Social y las plataformas digitales de reparto vive una jornada crucial. Un juzgado de lo Social de Madrid ha dado la razón al Gobierno …


Estimando la demanda interpuesta por la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social, contra ROOFOODS SPAIN S.L. y las personas físicas indicadas en el encabezamiento, con personación de los sindicatos CCOO …