EU Advances Watered-Down Labor Plan for Uber, Deliveroo Workers

European Union countries reached a breakthrough Monday on planned rules over workers’ rights in the gig economy, after EU member states reached the necessary majority to move ahead with the …

Platform Work Directive

This Directive aims to improve the working conditions of platform workers and to protect the personal data of persons performing platform work in the European Union.

In last-minute upset, France pitches new changes to gig work file

As EU ambassadors were due to meet on Friday (8 March) to try to agree again a provisional deal on the platform work directive, France circulated a set of changes …

Council and Parliament strike a deal to ban products made with forced labour

The Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional deal on the regulation prohibiting in the EU market products made with forced labour. The provisional agreement reached today between …

ETUI Report: Towards workers’ environmental rights

An analysis of EU labour and environmental law Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically …

The spillover effect of algorithmic management and how (not) to tame it

“This chapter delves into the implications of the algorithmic management (AM) “spillover effect”, namely the diffusion of AM systems and practices from the platform economy to conventional work settings and …

NCP Switzerland Final Statement: Specific Instance regarding Lombard Odier submitted by the international trade union IUF

“On 5 April 2023, the Swiss NCP received a written submission by the International Trade Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (hereafter “IUF” or …

Academics win claim against Oxford University over ‘sham contracts’

Two academics who sued Oxford University for employing them on “sham contracts” as gig economy workers, have won their claim for employee status in a ruling that could have implications …

Spain: High Court Finds Cabify Drivers are illegally subcontracted

The Valencian High Court of Justice upholds the criteria of the Labor Inspectorate and reinstates a fine of 60,000 euros against the company for this hiring fraud. Judicial setback to …

Royal Parks workers bring landmark case over race and equal pay

A group of toilet cleaners and attendants for London’s most famous parks could be about to make legal history in the court of appeal by arguing that their outsourced contracts …