On September 19, parliament of Ukraine adopted the bill No.1066 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the State Authorities System reboot”. This bill may further politicize the civil …
As human rights advocates working in a number of countries, including the U.S., we have seen how policies that reduce regulation of dangerous industries can increase health and safety risks …
ECCJ has conducted a comparative legal analysis of different laws and proposals that introduce Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) obligations for companies and corporate liability in Europe. The table looks …
En France, comme en Europe, de nombreux salariés disent se sentir défavorisés au travail en raison de critères non objectifs et non professionnels. Depuis 2018, la peur des Français d’être …
An initiative group of Glovo delivery workers in Ukraine has created the first trade union in gig economy sector. According to ILO Convention No.87 “Freedom of association and protection of …
Since July, food delivery riders in the Ukrainian capital have faced a sizeable pay cut. Under Glovo’s old system of bonuses, a driver could receive a 2,200 hryvnya bonus (€76) …
With consumers increasingly paying attention to working conditions in the supply chain, companies have published ambitious ethical commitments to promote a responsible image. Samsung proclaims to be “one of the …
Nouveau revers juridique pour Deliveroo aux Pays-Bas. Un tribunal d’Amsterdam vient de condamner le fournisseur de repas à domicile à payer 640.000 euros à un organisme de retraite au titre d’un …
“BERLIN — Wojtek Świeca was startled when he received an email from Deliveroo on Monday notifying him, like the rest of the company’s roughly 1,100 other riders across Germany, that it …