EU will not force statutory minimum wage on Nordic countries

The EU will not force a statutory minimum wage on countries such as Denmark following an outcry by Nordic member states over a threat to their century-old systems of collective bargaining. A …

Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame. Volume I, II, III and IV

This collection of four volumes charts the development of collective bargaining since the year 2000 in the 28 EU Member States. These four volumes document how the institutions of collective …

Contradictory decisions on the employment status of platform workers in Spain

In May 2018, a judgement on the employment status of platform workers was issued for the first time in Spain. In the years since then, there have been at least …

Ukrainian workers battle controversial new labour code

The government in Kyiv plans to introduce a new labour code in order to “simplify” employment practices. The initiative, which was drafted without prior consultation with trade unions, has left lawyers and workers …

ILAW Network sends letter to Government of Ukraine

The ILAW Network sent a letter to the Government of Ukraine to protest its decision to introduce highly regressive amendments to the Trade Union Law and Labour Law on 27 …

UK: BBC journalist wins landmark equal pay case

Journalist Samira Ahmed, backed by the NUJ, first appeared at The Central London Employment Tribunal  on Monday 28 October to challenge unequal pay at the BBC. The journalist has been …

EU: Using criminal law to restrict the work of NGOs supporting refugees and other migrants in Council of Europe Member States

The Expert Council on NGO Law is publishing a study entitled “Using Criminal Law to Restrict the Work of NGOs Supporting Refugees and Other Migrants in Council of Europe Member …

La Cgil fa causa a Deliveroo: “L’algoritmo discrimina i lavoratori”

MILANO – La Cgil sfida in tribunale la piattaforma di consegna di cibo a domicilio Deliveroo. Il sindacato ha avviato una causa, la prima di questo tipo, per discriminazione collettiva a …

Vegans deserve same legal protection as religious people, UK judge rules

A judge has ruled that ethical veganism qualifies as a philosophical belief protected under UK law. Jordi Casamitjana, an “ethical vegan,” claims he was dismissed by his employer, animal welfare charity the League …

Evaluation de la mise en œuvre de la loi n° 2017-399 du 27 mars 2017 relative au devoir de vigilance des sociétés mères et des entreprises donneuses d’ordre

SYNTHESE Le drame du Rana Plaza au Bangladesh le 24 avril 2013 a déclenché une réaction mondiale. Même si la prise en compte des enjeux sociaux, environnementaux et sociétaux par …