“The study provides eligibility rates for each of the Member States and an overview of the main eligibility criteria that they have set. An intersectional perspective helps to identify which …
A conviction that lies at the very heart of international trade unionism is that a worker is a worker, wherever he or she is from. But how can unions put …
On 24 October 2013, the Rana Plaza disaster in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, triggered a huge outcry. Over a thousand people were killed when the building, which housed garment factories, …
The Claimant brings a claim against Maran UK Limited for negligence and breach of common law duty of care relating to fatal injuries suffered by the Claimant’s late husband, MD …
The European Commission has decided to withdraw part of the tariff preferences granted to Cambodia under the European Union’s Everything But Arms’ (EBA) trade scheme due to the serious and …
The NCP’s statement respond to a complaint filed by UNI Global union in 2016. UNI Global Union’s complaint alleged that the company harassed workers to suppress organizing with the Banglalink …
The Nanterre High Court has handed down its decision on the summary proceedings brought by Friends of the Earth France, Survie and four Ugandan associations (AFIEGO, CRED, NAPE/Friends of the …
Delivering employment rights to platform workers
On January 24, the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) found in favour of some food-delivery riders litigating against their platform. The Court decided to apply a 2015 legislation that …