This article aims to motivate the establishment of a sexual harassment policy focusing on the prevention and management of sexual harassment in the workplace. According to the article, a sexual …
A group of Uber drivers from the UK are to take international legal action demanding access to their data held by the ride-hailing company. The group of UK Uber drivers …
“In this connection, I would like to bring to the attention of your Excellency’s Government information I have received concerning the draft law No. 2681, which includes several provisions that, …
“I have the honour to address you in my capacity as Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution …
A widow whose husband fell eight storeys to his death while breaking up a supertanker in Bangladesh can pursue a negligence claim against Maran (UK), a British company involved in the ship’s …
Earlier this summer, as millions of Italians were locked down inside their homes, fruit and vegetables were left to rot in the fields despite the cost to the country’s economy. …
The High Court has granted permission to the IWGB to proceed with a judicial review that could extend health and safety rights to hundreds of thousands of so-called ‘gig economy’ …
Uber v Heller and the Prospects for a Transnational Judicial Dialogue on the Gig Economy – II
“In the coming days, labour lawyers from around the world will be tuning in to watch the arguments in Uber v Aslam. In terms of the wider ramifications of the reasoning …