“This paper focuses on the right to collective bargaining of self-employed workers vis-à-vis antitrust law under a European and International perspective. It argues that the current approach of the Court …
Los ‘riders’ han ganado su macrojuicio contra Deliveroo en Barcelona. La magistrada del juzgado de lo Social 24 de Barcelona ha sentenciado que 748 ‘riders’ de Deliveroo operaban como falsos …
In most countries, men and women doing the same work earn different amounts. This discrimination is popularly known as the gender pay gap. And despite efforts to close it, particularly …
Swiss authorities say food delivery service Uber Eats counts as a postal service provider — and needs to be regulated as such. Switzerland’s postal supervisory authority, PostCom, announced Thursday that …
Key elements of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment
As regards investment, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) will be the most ambitious agreement that China has ever concluded with a third country. In addition to rules against the forced …