Rejecting the Korean accusation that the EU was seeking to illegitimately ‘harmonise’ labour standards, the Panel carefully analysed the principles established under international law. This entailed examination of Korean trade …
The Law of Ukraine “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts to Improve Legal Regulation of Remote Work” demarcates the concepts and legal regulation of flexible working mode, remote work, and work …
Original article is in Danish: “Dansk Erhverv and 3F Transport have just entered into a groundbreaking national agreement for the delivery of food, which significantly improves the terms of the …
The Panel Report under the EU-Korea Trade Agreement Concerning Labor Practices: What are the Purposes of Trade Agreements as they Relate to the ILO’s Fundamental Labor Rights?
In recent years, workers’ rights advocates have increasingly urged the US and the EU to strengthen the commitments under the labor chapters of their trade agreements. Following up on the …