App-Based Jobs Emerge as Battleground for Workplace Safety in Georgia

Labor Inspectorate Should Prioritize Regular Inspections of Delivery Companies The Covid-19 pandemic has spurred a boom in food delivery services in Georgia, where the streets are packed with mopeds carrying branded boxes …


El objetivo declarado de este “Nuevo” Pacto migratorio es asentar las políticas migratorias de la Unión alrededor de un “un sistema que gestione y normalice la migración a largo plazo y que …

Court tells Uber to reinstate five UK drivers sacked by automated process

Uber has been ordered to reinstate five British drivers who were struck off from its ride-hailing app by robot technology. The five drivers, backed by the App Drivers & Couriers …

The ‘long Covid’ of work relations and the future of remote work

The pandemic made us all familiar with ‘social distancing’. Employers are starting to glimpse a future where ‘contractual distancing’ is progressively normalised. For all the suffering it wrought and the …

Travail forcé des Ouïgours : une plainte déposée en France contre quatre multinationales de l’habillement

Des ONG et une rescapée ouïgoure ont déposé plainte en France, vendredi 9 avril, contre quatre multinationales de l’habillement, accusées de tirer profit du travail forcé imposé à la minorité musulmane …

Mencap and Uber in the Supreme Court: Working Time Regulation in an Era of Casualisation

“In recent weeks, two long-awaited UK Supreme Court judgments have offered strikingly divergent reflections on the meaning and parameters of working time. In Uber, the Court held a group of private …

Bridging the Spaces in-between? The IWGB and Strategic Litigation

This report sets out to answer the questions of how and why indie unions may be turning to the courts to build their movement by investigating the IWGB’s litigation strategy. …

Uber’s UK U-turn: the exploitative gig economy employment model is not dead but it may be at an inflection point

“Under normal circumstances, any company making a bombastic declaration that it will partially respect a court decision would be met with a chorus of derision. Yet, Uber’s announcement on 16 March 2021 that …

After Uber: Purposive Interpretation and the Future of Contract

The Uber BV v Aslam [2021] UKSC 5 (‘Uber (SC)’)judgment from the Supreme Court represents the final chapter in the long-running saga of determining the employment status of drivers who provided trips …

The EU, Competition Law and Workers’ Rights

“The paper delves into the ways in which EU competition law affects the right of workers to combine with each other and act, collectively, in the furtherance of their rights …