The problem of liability for violation of employee rights in the supply chain

The problem of protecting workers’ rights is a crucial aspect in global supply chains. Multinational enterprises locate their investments in the territories of the state on many continents to obtain …

[Spain] Comments on the European Court of Justice decision dated June 3rd, 2021 (declaring that the subsequently renewed Spanish on-call employment agreements are covered by Clause 5 of Directive 1999/70), and its impact on Spanish law.

This article analyzes the impact of the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) decision C-726/19 on the Spanish legislation concerning indefinite implied renewals of on-call employment agreements (contratos de interinidad). These …

Heatwaves as an occupational hazard: The impact of heat and heatwaves on workers’ health, safety and wellbeing and on social inequalities

“Weather-related heat exposure has become a sanitary concern given the wide repercussions it has for health. Both physiological and epidemiological research show that the impact of heat on human health …

Mrs F Mercer v Alternative Furture Group Ltd and Others: UKEAT/0196/20/JOJ

Section 146 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 protects workers against detriment related to taking part in the activities of an independent trade union. However, the …

Employers can no longer mistreat staff who take part in industrial action, says UNISON

Employers will no longer be able to get away with mistreating any employees who take part in union-organised workplace disputes following an important legal decision today (Wednesday), says UNISON. UK …

The Shell climate verdict: a major win for mandatory due diligence and corporate accountability

The global movement to hold corporations accountable for their impact on the climate is having a moment. Wednesday, 26 May, may well go down in history as the most important …

Germany: What the new Supply Chain Act delivers – and what it doesn’t

The German “Supply Chain Due Diligence Act” is adopted! But what exactly is behind this? Our analysis shows: We are still a long way from reaching our goal in the …

El Tribunal Supremo rechaza el recurso de Deliveroo y confirma que los ‘riders’ eran falsos autónomos

El fallo recuerda que el Supremo ya unificó doctrina en septiembre de 2020, cuando dictaminó en un caso similar -aunque entonces el denunciado era Glovo- que la relación entre estas …

Algorithmic management and collective bargaining

“The discussion around the future of work, which has become ubiquitous in law, policymaking and the media, has so far concentrated on ‘quantitative’ aspects, for instance how many jobs may …

Non-standard forms of employment in selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe. A critical glance into regulation and implementation

“Non-standard forms of employment (NSFE) have become a fixture of labour markets across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Emerging as new forms of work in the context of globalization, rapid …