This article analyzes the Spanish Constitutional Court decision 19/2021, dated May 31st, declaring that labor courts reviewing the legality of a contractual modification brought by a female worker must consider …
A fight attendant was discriminated against by British Airways after she requested changes to her working hours following the birth of her premature baby. Chloe Daly asked to reduce her …
House cleaners hired via the app Helpling are temporary workers and must be given paid sick leave and compensation if they lose their jobs, Amsterdam appeals court found on Tuesday. …
A new manual, aimed at improving access to justice for victims of sexual violence in the Georgian criminal justice system, has been developed. The manual, provides practical guidance to investigators, …
Employees will have the right to request flexible working from the moment they start a job, with companies obliged to explain their reasons if it is then refused, the government … Inc (AMZN.O) has struck a deal with Italian trade unions promising to engage with them more in the running of operations in the country. The framework agreement, seen by Reuters, comes …