United Kingdom: Homer v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, 2012

This case is about age discrimination in connection with a new policy requiring employees to have a law degree before they receive a particular higher pay scale.  It was noted …


The claimant was an employee of Cape Building Products Ltd at a site which manufactured asbestos boards. During the course of his work, the claimant was exposed to asbestos dust …

Discrimination in the field of labor and employment in Russia

This article explains that young people and people over 45 years old are discriminated against in the labor market. The article also explains that although it is prohibited in Russia, …

Dockers and Seafarers: What the Politics of Spatial Embeddedness and Geographical Scale Have Meant for Union Organizing in the European Maritime Trades

This article (in 37 Lab. Stud. J. 203 (2012)) considers the strategic challenges of labor organizing within maritime trades, with a conceptual focus on labor geography. It explores how mobility and …

Overview of China’s New Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law

An advisory by the Law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP that discusses the mediation, arbitration, and litigation procedures under China’s 2008 Mediation and Arbitration law. https://www.dwt.com/advisories/Overview_of_Chinas_New_Labor_Dispute_Mediation_and_Arbitration_Law_01_29_2008/

Şişman and Others v. Turkey

This case concerned disciplinary measures taken against employees of tax offices attached to the Ministry of Finance for displaying a trade union’s posters in support of the annual 1 May …

UK: Autoclenz Limited (Appellant) v Belcher and others (Respondents) [2011] UKSC 410

In this landmark U.K. appellate case, twenty “valeters” for Autoclenz, a provider of car-cleaning services to motor retailers and auctioneers, filed a claim with the U.K.’s Employment Tribunal (“ET”), arguing …

How to Present a Discrimination Claim

This handbook was published by the European Commission to help those seeking remedies under the EU non-discrimination directives and provides answers to basic questions such as on what grounds and …

Towards a strategy for the inclusion of migrant workers in trade unions

This report is related to the Irish migrant workers. Also, the report addresses the commitment to develop a strategic approach to the inclusion of black and minority ethnic members. https://www.ictu.ie/download/pdf/ictu_migrant_workers_a5.pdf