Mongolia: Infringement of labour rights: sexual harassment in the workplace (Law Review No.3, 2018 (pp.119-127))

The article addresses employment discrimination based on gender and workplace harassment regulations in Mongolia as a basic human rights violation. It discusses the need that sexual harassment in the workplace …

Fair Working Conditions for Platform Workers Possible Regulatory Approaches at the EU Level

The study explores different possible regulatory approaches at the EU level to ensure fair working conditions in the platform economy. As platform work is often performed cross-border with at least …

“Trade unions and migrant workers: New contexts and challenges in Europe” in Chapter 11, “Trade unions and migrant workers in the UK: Organising in a cold climate”

[This book “analyses the relationship between trade unions, immigration and migrant workers across eleven European countries in the period between the 1990s and 2015.”] [Quoted from ILO book sales page: …

The service provided by Uber connecting individuals with non-professional drivers is covered by services in the field of transport

The decision reached by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the status of Uber and Uber’s drivers. The ECJ found that Uber should be considered as a taxi company, …

Asociación Profesional Élite Taxi v Uber Systems Spain SL

The ECJ was called to determine the extent to which Uber acts as an intermediary between drivers and passengers. An intermediation service which enables the transfer of information concerning the …

“Indirect Discrimination, Justification and Proportionality: Are UK Claimants at a Disadvantage?”

In this article, the authors discuss how both the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) approach the standard of scrutiny for the …

 The Evolution of EU Primary Law and the Court of Justice’s Interpretation of Workers’ Rights – Focus on Workers’ rights relating to business restructurings

Working Paper, please do not cite without permission of the author. Description: The Court of Justice has in multiple instances followed arguments that resulted in business-oriented prerogatives prevailing over workers’ …

UK: “Work in Britain’s Informal Economy: Learning from Road-Side Hand Car Washes”

This article examines the phenomenon of a rapid increase in hand car washes in the UK. In this context, the authors ask what this increase tells us about “informalization of …

Russian Federation: Discrimination

This article examines employment discrimination law in Russia, including under the Constitution and Labor Code. The article also summarizes the most widespread kinds of discrimination in Russia and how people …

France: Cour de Cassation, Chambre Sociale, November 15, 2017, 16-14.281

Procedure explanation: Highest Court in Labor Law Matters. All other courts must follow its ruling. An employee having been terminated on the ground of his age has been discriminated.  Under …