Keo Ratha, et al. -v- Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al.

 Keo Ratha, et al. v. Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al

Facts 7 Cambodian nationals brought suit against two Thai seafood processing plants, a Thai company doing business in CA, and Rubicon Resources, LLC (a U.S. company), alleging violations of the …

Mr Michail Kaseris v Rasier Pacific V.O.F

Michail Kaseris applied under s.394 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) for an unfair dismissal remedy. On 29 August 2016, he entered into a services agreement with Rasier Pacific V.O.F, which …

Wages and Working Conditions in and out of Global Supply Chains: A Comparative Empirical Review (Brazil, China, Chile, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, etc.)

This research note discussed the theories about wages, working conditions and global supply chains. People interpret the relationship between global supply chains and working conditions in different theories. But we …

Future of Work in a Digital Era: The Potential and Challenges for Online Freelancing and Mircowork in India

The article provides a statistical report on the emergence of digital era in India and importantly, its impact on the labor population, employment with regard to contractual workers and workers …

Analysis of the Implementation of the Policy on Labor Migration 2016-2017

The Royal Government of Cambodia issued its second Labor Migration Policy (LMP) in December 2014. The LMP was developed by the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MOLVT), relevant line …

ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers

This consensus focuses on fundamental rights of migrant workers and the members of their families, specific rights of migrant workers, obligations of sending states and receiving states.

Indonesia’s Global Workers: Juggling Opportunities & Risks

This report provides survey data on Indonesia’s migrant workers and uses these data to analyze the benefits that migrant workers have brought to Indonesia and problems (such as mistreatment, lack …

Prevalence and predictors of occupational stress among quarry workers in rural Rajasthan, India

This research paper discusses the mental health issues faced by mine workers in India through a cross-sectional study of sandstone mine workers of the Kaurali district in Rajasthan, India.  The …

Australia: Three charts on disability discrimination in the workplace

This article notes that the biggest form of discrimination in employment is discrimination against Australians with disabilities, which is higher than discrimination based on sex and race.  The authors found …