Federal Labor will consider widening the definition of employees to cover gig economy workers following concern employers are exploiting legal loopholes to classify employees as independent contractors. A Labor-led Senate …
Federal Labor will consider widening the definition of employees to cover gig economy workers following concern employers are exploiting legal loopholes to classify employees as independent contractors. A Labor-led Senate …
New challenges face the human trafficking squad of Myanmar’s police force in the fight against cross-border trafficking of Myanmar women into China, said the police. “The number of human trafficking …
Thailand would soon start legalising thousands of illegal Myanmar workers in its fishing industry as a first step to the signing of an agreement to provide more workers for the …
The government favours technological solutions, but workers say collective action is essential to stopping abuse. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/thailand-slave-fishermen-needed-solve-crisis-180911223139627.html
Big businesses who don’t disclose what they’re doing to stop modern slavery in their supply chains should face penalties, Labor has argued in parliament. Businesses could be fined more than $1 …