Prospects and Contexts of Demographic Transitions in Thailand

The article discusses the demographic transition and its consequence in Thailand and demographic policies including fertility, retirement age, and labor force participation. The authors express concern for human rights related …

A Critical Analysis of Child Labour In India

This article summarizes the issue of child labor, with a special emphasis on India. It looks at the global definitions of child labor, types of child labor, and the factors …

Behind Closed Doors: Forced Labour in the Domestic Work Sector in Singapore

This report by HOME and Liberty Shared discusses how deception, coercion, and exploitation are used to exploit migrant domestic workers in Singapore.  The report sets out a legal framework that …

Impact of occupational dental erosion on oral health-related quality of life among battery factory workers in Bengaluru, India

This study investigates the dental health erosion among battery factory workers in India. A cross-sectional study conducted among battery workers (study group) and other factory workers (control group) in Bengaluru …

Thailand Migration Report 2019

The report demonstrates the current situation and policy related to migration-issues in Thailand such as exploitation, human trafficking, etc. It also includes the development of migration in Thai society.

South Korea: Amendment to Occupational Safety and Health Act passes the National Assembly

A bill which bans companies from outsourcing hazardous jobs to contractors in principle was passed. This was due to an incident where a 24-year-old contract worker was found dead in …

Shanghai Trade Union Issued Protection Policy for Flexible Employment Groups

Rapid development of Internet economy creates a flexible employment group, such as deliverymen, Didi drivers, and house cleaner. To help this group to overcome accident risks and diseases, this policy …

NHRCK (The National Human Rights Commission of Korea) recommendation for ratification of ILO Convention N.87 and N. 98

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea recommended to the Minister of the Employment and Labour to ratify ILO Convention N. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the …

Das v. George Weston Limited, 2018 ONCA 1053

On December 20, 2018, the Ontario Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice dismissing a claim brought on behalf of workers  injured in the …

South Korea: First labor union formed at Samsung Electronics

This article discusses the first labor union formed at Samsung Electronics. It also discusses an investigation of Samsung Electronics for the company’s alleged anti-union activities.