This news article describes the Chinese government’s possible new plan on widening the injury insurance policy with an intent to protect causal workers of online app-based employers. To achieve that …
This news article describes the Chinese government’s possible new plan on widening the injury insurance policy with an intent to protect causal workers of online app-based employers. To achieve that …
International Labor Organization has demonstrated in its recent report that there are 2 billion workers across the world working in the informal economy. This constitutes 61 percent of the world’s …
An employer can conclude multiple collective bargaining agreements that differ in time and contents by negotiating separately with multiple trade unions, without simplification of bargaining windows as prescribed by Trade …
The International Labour Organization (ILO) reiterated its insistence that the South Korean government adopt legal measures to guarantee freedom of association for unemployed and dismissed workers. It also stated the …
정부가 국제노동기구(ILO) 핵심협약과 관련해 절차적으로 국회를 거치지 않고는 비준이 불가능하다는 의견을 재확인했다. 노동계와 일부 전문가는 그럴수록 문재인 대통령이 국회에 핵심협약 비준동의안을 선제로 내는 정치적 결단을 하라고 촉구했다. 김대환 고용노동부 국제협력담당관은 …
Millions of women in India are engaged in the care economy, as both paid and unpaid workers. Most are part of the informal economy, eking out a living at below …
Commentary: Jurisdiction, access to remedy in business and human rights cases, and the corporate structure: A tale of two cases
This note introduces two cases, both concerned with liability under a duty of care of parent companies, the obligation of ‘due diligence’ in supply chain operations and the obstacles presented …