India: Items and norms of assistance under State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

The State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) recently in an order dated March 28 .2020 allowed for certain items and assistance to purchased by state governments. The SDRF was constituted under …

Singapore: MOM will revoke work passes of migrant workers in large gatherings if they refuse to disperse

SINGAPORE – Migrant workers who gather in large numbers in public may have their work passes revoked if they do not disperse when ordered to by the authorities. In a …

U.S. Lifts Ban on Malaysian Medical Glove Maker Amid Shortage

KUALA LUMPUR — The United States has lifted a ban on a Malaysian medical glove maker it had accused of using forced labor, a government statement showed, amid a surge …

India: Statewide updates following Government’s review of the COVID-19 outbreak on March 22, 2020

Following the video conference, held on March 22, 2020, it was mentioned that a number of decisions were taken by both the union and state governments with respect to containing …

COVID-19 employment Issues – a ready reckoner for Australian workers

This post is meant to assist those in Australia to better understand what their legal options are given the COVID-19 pandemic. This commentary is focused on full-time, part-time, or fixed-term …

Choppy Waters – Forced Labor and Illegal Fishing in Taiwan’s Distant Water Fisheries

Taiwan is one of the world’s largest distant water fishing (DWF) powers, with over 1,100 Taiwanese-flagged vessels fishing across our oceans and hundreds more Taiwanese-owned vessels flagged to other countries. …

Western companies must stop profiting from China’s crimes against humanity

INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS to hold China accountable for its campaign of cultural genocide against Uighur and other Muslim minorities have been weak, in part because it’s not easy for outsiders to …

Future of unemployment and the informal sector of India

The article deals with the problems of poverty persisting in India due to presence of large unorganised sector under which the portion of informal sector has been on the rise. …

U.S. lawmakers seek to tighten ban on forced-labor goods from China’s Xinjiang

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Leading U.S. lawmakers proposed legislation on Wednesday aimed at preventing goods made from forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region from reaching the United States. The legislation would …

India: State regulations notified under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1857.

Following a rise of coronavirus cases in India, the state governments of Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have enacted emergency regulations pursuant to the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 …