Mindless relaxation of labour laws will only hurt India’s lockdown-hit economy more

Governments and policymakers across the world are doling out stimulus packages and loosening their purse strings to restart economic activity stalled by the coronavirus pandemic. In India, the focus of …

Union Garment Workers Fear ‘An Opportunity to Get Rid of Us’

Myan Mode, a garment factory on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar, produces men’s jackets, women’s blazers and coats for Western fashion companies like Mango and Zara. Since the start of …

Factory behind India gas leak operated illegally until 2019

The chemical factory that leaked gas into a coastal Indian city on Thursday morning, killing at least 12 people and putting hundreds in hospital, was operating illegally until at least the …

Modi’s asked Indian firms to ‘be kind’ amid lockdown but many workers have not been paid their wages

“At least three petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court demanding that companies be given the freedom to fire or furlough employees. Mysore-based Hazira, 26, who goes by one …

India: Adityanath Govt in UP to Suspend Key Labour Laws, Workers’ Rights for Three Years

New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh government has approved an ordinance exempting businesses from the purview of almost all labour laws for the next three years in a bid to provide a …

Adityanath Govt in UP to Suspend Key Labour Laws, Workers’ Rights for Three Years

The Uttar Pradesh government has approved an ordinance exempting businesses from the purview of almost all labour laws for the next three years in a bid to provide a fillip …

Lockdown Woes: The Dismal State of Domestic Workers in India

This article specifically focusses on the harassment and violence faced by live-in female domestic workers during the lockdown brought about in India due to Covid- 19. “Live-in workers” have been …

‘They just don’t care’: Millions of garment workers facing destitution as Britain’s high street billionaires fail to honour contracts

In his factory in Chittagong, Bangladesh’s main port and trading hub, Mostafiz Uddin has a mountain stacked high of 100,000 pairs of jeans with nowhere to go. The piles of …

Samsung Heir Apologizes for Corruption and Union-Busting Scandals

The de facto head of Samsung, Lee Jae-yong, apologized on Wednesday for the corruption and union-busting scandals that have bedeviled his conglomerate, declaring that he will be the last of his family …

Age discrimination in a pandemic: COVID-19 and inequality at work

“COVID-19 is fundamentally reshaping the economy and world of work. Mass layoffs – in tourism, bars, clubs, cafes and restaurants, cinemas and casinos, but also increasingly in professional services – …