Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia & Ors v Qantas Airways Limited

In a landmark decision on 18 May 2020, Justice Flick dismissed two dispute applications by the AMWU, CEPU, AWU and TWU as to whether Qantas had the right to prohibit …

‘The Spirit of Australia’, just not in a pandemic: Qantas plays hard-ball on workers’ rights

“Nine years ago, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce made himself a household name by embarking on a high-risk strategy in an industrial dispute that involved grounding the airline’s fleet globally. Faced …

Impact of the Global Pandemic on Indian Labor Laws

“In the wake of the global pandemic and the nation-wide lockdown, a heavy constraint has been put on individuals as well as the economy. To minimize the impact of the …

‘The Spirit of Australia’, just not in a pandemic: Qantas plays hard-ball on workers’ rights

“Nine years ago, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce made himself a household name by embarking on a high-risk strategy in an industrial dispute that involved grounding the airline’s fleet globally. Faced …

Labour Without Welfare Measures Constitutes ‘Forced Labour’ Under Article 23 Of Constitution : Plea In SC Against Dilution Of Labour Laws [Read Petition]

A petition has been led before the Supreme Court challenging the Constitutional validity of the notifications/ ordinances issued by various State Governments, suspending the operation of certain labour laws with respect …

Le groupe McDonald’s poursuivi devant l’OCDE pour « harcèlement sexuel systématique »

Une coalition internationale de syndicats a annoncé avoir porté plainte lundi 18 mai devant l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) contre le groupe McDonald’s, accusé d’avoir échoué à lutter …

Deadly gas leak in India, grim wake-up call for global chemical industry: UN rights expert

Last week’s deadly toxic gas leak at a Korean-owned polymer plant in south-eastern India, is a grim wake up call for the chemical industry to acknowledge and fulfil its responsibility …

U.N. Labour Agency Warns Indian States on Scrapping of Workers’ Rights

NEW DELHI/AHMEDABAD — The U.N. labour agency urged Indian states thinking of relaxing workers’ rights to help industry survive the coronavirus to consult workers first as a union linked to …

Roadmap for repatriation, reintegration of migrant workers

“The number of permits issued by the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE) is 5,955,051 till last fiscal year. Among the 110 officially open destinations, Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, (64%) …

India: Trade unions to move ILO against dilution of labour laws by BJP-ruled states

The fight for workers’ rights is set to reach an international forum as central trade unions attached to various political parties have decided to lodge a joint complaint with the …