In a landmark decision on 18 May 2020, Justice Flick dismissed two dispute applications by the AMWU, CEPU, AWU and TWU as to whether Qantas had the right to prohibit …
In a landmark decision on 18 May 2020, Justice Flick dismissed two dispute applications by the AMWU, CEPU, AWU and TWU as to whether Qantas had the right to prohibit …
A petition has been led before the Supreme Court challenging the Constitutional validity of the notifications/ ordinances issued by various State Governments, suspending the operation of certain labour laws with respect …
Une coalition internationale de syndicats a annoncé avoir porté plainte lundi 18 mai devant l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) contre le groupe McDonald’s, accusé d’avoir échoué à lutter …
Last week’s deadly toxic gas leak at a Korean-owned polymer plant in south-eastern India, is a grim wake up call for the chemical industry to acknowledge and fulfil its responsibility …
NEW DELHI/AHMEDABAD — The U.N. labour agency urged Indian states thinking of relaxing workers’ rights to help industry survive the coronavirus to consult workers first as a union linked to …
“The number of permits issued by the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE) is 5,955,051 till last fiscal year. Among the 110 officially open destinations, Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, (64%) …
The fight for workers’ rights is set to reach an international forum as central trade unions attached to various political parties have decided to lodge a joint complaint with the …
‘The Spirit of Australia’, just not in a pandemic: Qantas plays hard-ball on workers’ rights
“Nine years ago, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce made himself a household name by embarking on a high-risk strategy in an industrial dispute that involved grounding the airline’s fleet globally. Faced …