Economic Security & the Regulation of Gig Work in California: From AB5 to Proposition 22

“Employment is the primary legal and political means to address economic inequality in the United States. With the evisceration of the welfare state, employment is also key to democratic outcomes. …

Responsabilidad ambiental a través de la cadena de suministro – Miradas desde América Latina

“La contaminación del agua potable y los hallazgos de metales pesados en la sangre de los habitantes cercanos a minas, como en el caso de Espinar, en Perú, o el …

Managed by Bots

This report details how despite recent gains in the courts in various jurisdictions, the fundamental problems of precarity in the gig economy remain. Even where worker rights have been asserted, …

DOMESTIC WORK IS WORK: Using ILO Convention 189 to Protect Workers’ Rights Across the Commonwealth

“The COVID-19 pandemic shook the job security of millions of domestic workers and put them at greater risk of abuse, exploitation and trafficking.3 Meanwhile, the pandemic marked an intense period …

MIGRANT WORKERS’ ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR WAGE THEFT: A global study of promising initiatives

“Systemic wage theft has long been part of the labour migration landscape in every region of the world. During COVID-19, egregious underpayment of migrant workers was even more widespread as …

Efectos de la Ley de Apoyo Humanitario en el mercado de trabajo ecuatoriano

Compartimos el resultado de la investigación realizada por el Observatorio el trabajo y el pensamiento crítico sobre los “Efectos de la Ley de Apoyo Humanitario en el mercado de trabajo …

Publicación: RETOS DEL TRABAJO DEL FUTURO: Una aproximación desde CoLombia

Esta publicación analiza los fenómenos del Futuro del Trabajo, traídos al contexto y los retos específicos nacionales en Colombia abordados en cuatro capítulos: El reto de pensar el futuro del …

TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL TACTICS FOR LABOUR: How to make use of Corporate Accountability Mechanisms

“When the study Labour Conditions in the Global Supply Chain: What Is the Extent and Implications of German Corporate Responsibility? was written in 2011, the question of the legal responsibility …


The report comes at a critical time as global leaders begin to descend upon Glasgow for COP26. The world needs to see commitment by industry, governments and workers to the …

No viable alternatives: Social (in)security and risk of labour exploitation during Covid-19

“This report explores the experiences of migrant workers in low-paid and insecure work during the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on barriers to accessing employment rights and social protections, and the associated risks …