ECCJ: Comparative legal analysis of HRDD and corporate liability laws in Europe

ECCJ has conducted a comparative legal analysis of different laws and proposals that introduce Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) obligations for companies and corporate liability in Europe. The table looks …

Pakistan’s Garment Workers Need a Safety Accord

This report reviews current risks and violations in Pakistan’s textile and garment factories and assesses several current initiatives in the industry that include safety aspects, analysing their commitments and performance. …

Decent Work and Economic Growth in the South Indian Garment Industry

This report focuses on the South Indian garment industry clustered around Tirupur and specifically on the labour challenges faced by the industry. We conducted 135 interviews and engaged in a …

United Nations Report: Violence against women migrant workers

The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 72/149, outlines the current context with respect to the problem of violence against women migrant workers. It provides information on the …

When We’re Dead and Buried, Our Bones Will Keep Hurting:” Workers’ Rights Under Threat in US Meat and Poultry Plants

“If you buy beef, pork, or chicken anywhere in the United States—whether from a grocery store, fast-food chain, or restaurant—you are likely buying it from a company included in the …

Wagner North 2.0: How Canada’s Wagner model of labour relations can be strengthened to ensure greater union density amongst vulnerable workers

Wagner North 2.0: How Canada’s Wagner model of labour relations can be strengthened to ensure greater union density amongst vulnerable workers examines the current state of the very foundation of Canada’s …


This report advocates for the establishment of a legally binding agreement, between apparel brands/retailers sourcing from Pakistan and labor rights groups/unions, for the purpose of ensuring workplace safety in Pakistan’s …

Turning the Law into a Shield for Street Vendors in African Countries

This brief, therefore, aims to compare civil law systems (prevalent in Francophone African countries) to common law systems (prevalent in Anglophone African countries) in relation to the issue of street …

“You Pray for Death” Trafficking of Women and Girls in Nigeria

When she was 18 in 2013, Adaura C. met a woman who promised her a job earning 150,000 naira (US$414) as a domestic worker in Libya. Adaura agreed, and the …

ANROEV OSH Newsletter (Jan – June 2019)

The ANROEV Secretariat conducts research on OSH. The ANROEV newsletter is the part of its regular intervention. This 44th edition includes: Homage to Chan Kam Hong OSH Strategic meeting Rotterdam …