Sanctions on China’s top cotton supplier weave a tangled web for fashion brands

In the vast steppes of China’s northwestern Xinjiang region, a paramilitary organization produces more than 7 percent of the world’s cotton, which factories around the globe spin into T-shirts, denim …

Workplace sexual harassment in Mexico: towards gender-transformative remedies

“A new Mexican labour law reform provides a series of non-judicial avenues to redress sexual harassment in the workplace, including a State conciliation mechanism and workplace grievance mechanisms. This raises …

Africa’s (Modern) Slavery Problem

“From rubies in Mozambique to emeralds in Zambia, opals in Australia, and Jade in Myanmar, the mining industry is undergoing an extraction renaissance that is as profitable as it is …

Martinez-Cuevas: Reckoning with Labor Law’s Racist Roots

The Washington Supreme Court is currently deliberating a case that could have major economic effects for our most vulnerable workers while beginning to unravel one long-standing piece of our nation’s …

Fashion’s dirty secret: how sexual assault took hold in jeans factories

“At one of the biggest garment factories in Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho, the managers never hired enough regular workers to complete the clothing orders that flooded in from …

The Pitfalls of Uber and Lyft as Franchisors

“Uber and Lyft are in the early stages of discussions to possibly turn many of their California drivers into employees. However, rather than become employees of the companies, the drivers …

Support for women informal workers is urgent as pandemic unfolds in South Africa

“Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Labour Organisation predicted that measures to curb the spread of the disease would disproportionately affect women workers. This has certainly turned out to be …

Uber Says Gig Workers Are Their Own Bosses — But Courts Disagree

“According to some estimates, over 50 million people today may be engaged in some type of gig work. In the side hustle economy, gig work has become a necessity to make ends …

Uber and Lyft should treat drivers as employees

“California, the spiritual home of the gig economy, has delivered a blow to the business models of platform companies. The state’s supreme court ruled on Monday that Uber and Lyft, …

The EU’s fight against fashion’s forced labour supply chain

“Allegations of labour exploitation in the fashion supply chain are rampant. In the month of July alone, UK fast fashion retailer Boohoo was accused of worker exploitation at one of …