UK Okpabi et al v Shell: UK Supreme Court Reaffirms Parent Companies May Owe a Duty of Care Towards Communities Impacted by their Subsidiaries in Third Countries

“The much-awaited judgment by the UK Supreme Court (SC) in Okpabi and others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc and another (Okpabi) was handed down in an online hearing on Friday 12 February 2021 some …

APLICACIÓN DE LA RECOMENDACIÓN 204 DE OIT. Concepto del Panel de Expertos de LO TCO Suecia

Serie conceptos técnicos del Panel de Expertos de la LO TCO de Suecia: Las Centrales sindicales LO y TCO de Suecia cuentan con un Panel de Expertos, abogados laborales internacionales …

Comisiones Nacionales Tripartitas de Relaciones Laborales. Análisis comparado. Concepto del Panel de Expertos de LO TCO Suecia

Serie conceptos técnicos del Panel de Expertos de la LO TCO de Suecia: Las Centrales sindicales LO y TCO de Suecia cuentan con un Panel de Expertos, abogados laborales internacionales …

The Panel Report under the EU-Korea Trade Agreement Concerning Labor Practices: What are the Purposes of Trade Agreements as they Relate to the ILO’s Fundamental Labor Rights?

In recent years, workers’ rights advocates have increasingly urged the US and the EU to strengthen the commitments under the labor chapters of their trade agreements. Following up on the …

Which workers and which unions can claim protection under freedom of association? The EU-Korea FTA Panel Decision Part II

Rejecting the Korean accusation that the EU was seeking to illegitimately ‘harmonise’ labour standards, the Panel carefully analysed the principles established under international law. This entailed examination of Korean trade …

Which workers and which unions can claim protection under freedom of association? The EU-Korea FTA Panel Decision Part II

“This blog continues analysis of the EU-Korea FTA Expert Panel Report, focussing on the significance of the findings regarding ‘Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to …

Asserting Jurisdiction to Assess Compliance with ‘Multilateral labour standards and agreements’ – The EU-Korea FTA Panel Decision

On 25 January 2021, the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Korea (Korea) released the Reportby a Panel of Experts (the Panel Report) on matters raised under the Trade …

During a pandemic, democracy at work is even more important than ever

““I don’t mind working, but I do mind dying.” This slogan comes from the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, whose members protested, among other things, against the dangers of working on …

Asserting Jurisdiction to Assess Compliance with ‘Multilateral labour standards and agreements’ – The EU-Korea FTA Panel Decision

“On 25 January 2021, the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Korea (Korea) released the Report by a Panel of Experts (the Panel Report) on matters raised under the Trade and …

COVID-19 was a big test for UN migration initiatives. Did they succeed?

“During the springtime lockdowns in Europe, a poem-turned-video ‘you clap for me now’, went viral. Its message was to protect the migrants in the EU, who work to keep home-office populations …