The Court’s Cedar Point Opinion – Haven’t I Seen This Movie Before?

When the current Supreme Court decides a labor case, it’s like watching top film stars in the third sequel to a movie franchise – you know how it’s going to …

Despite the efforts of trade unions and NGOs, seafarer abandonment is on the rise

“I didn’t think fate would be so hard on me.” Sahabaj Khan, an Indian seafarer, never imagined that he would find himself in a situation like this. He and three …

The Surprisingly Broad Implications of Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe for Human Rights Litigation and Extraterritoriality

“In Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court took up the question of corporate liability for human rights violations under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) for the third time. …

People v Shell: from ‘corporate social responsibility’ to legal accountability

In a historic victory for climate justice, in late May a Dutch civil court held a corporation liable for the first time for its contribution to climate change. The ruling that the oil …

The Shell climate verdict: a major win for mandatory due diligence and corporate accountability

The global movement to hold corporations accountable for their impact on the climate is having a moment. Wednesday, 26 May, may well go down in history as the most important …

With the government reluctant to ratify ILO C176, Pakistan’s miners are condemned to work in death traps

“Mohammad Israr, 17, says that he prays with a heavy heart every time he enters the deadly coal mine in the mineral-rich, south-western province of Balochistan that claimed the life …

Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19

“Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in civil courts – experiences in 23 countries. Reports from 23 countries across the globe The unforeseen Covid-19 pandemic has propelled unprecedented transformations in civil …

Lawmakers Should Oppose New York’s Uber Bill: Workers need real sectoral bargaining not company unionism

Uber and other gig companies are rushing to pass a bill in the final weeks of Albany’s legislative session that would undermine labor standards for the growing millions of app-based …

Sectoral Bargaining is Coming to New Zealand

In a recent post on this blog, Dr David Madland examined the resurgence of interest in sectoral collective bargaining in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.  Support for sectoral …


Los avatares que precedieron a la firma del Acuerdo social son ya conocidos, y arrancan de la ofensiva jurídica de las empresas de plataformas para conseguir un pronunciamiento judicial que …