When Algorithms Fire Humans

“Poor selfies, rainy days, and locked gates ­– all are reported triggers for the auto-firing of delivery personnel by Amazon’s Flex app, and all follow events beyond the workers’ control. Meanwhile, no appeal to …

Bringing precarity home: digitized piece work and the fiction of flexibility

“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a global transition to digital mediation of work. For some, this has meant work previously done at office desks can now be performed remotely. However …

The Intersectionality of Climate Change and Labor

“At the conclusion of the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) this November, the 1.5-degrees Celsius goal remained hanging by a thread, propped up by the bold carbon commitments of smaller …


“In 2014, I was invited to join a research project funded by the Canadian government now known as Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces to Respond to Climate Change (ACW). As the only …

Workers’ rights in Myanmar: a decade of fragile progress comes under threat

“Labour protections were insufficient before the coup. Now the junta is rolling them back. Since 1962, workers’ rights in Myanmar suffered decades of abuse and neglect under military rule, creating …

Brazil’s labour justice system is battling with growing rights violations

“It was chaos,” says Nilzete, a nurse at Souza Aguiar Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-three years of experience had not prepared her for this. “The situation was already tough …

Sectoral Bargaining Reforms: Proceed with Caution

“After decades of decline, strike activity grew dramatically in 2018 and 2019.1 Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that these two years marked a thirty-five-year high for the number …

ETUI Policy Brief: Does it Pay to work? Unpaid labour in the platform economy

“Policy recommendations Unpaid labour should be recognised as a systemic feature of platform work, inherent in its current model of work organisation. Its prevalence and magnitude render it a pressing …

Los trabajadores informales necesitan algo más que reconocimiento legal

Durante la pandemia del COVID-19, los gobiernos latinoamericanos tomaron la medida sin precedentes de incluir a los trabajadores informales en una legislación de ayuda de emergencia. Los trabajadores informales representan …

After 30 years on Bogotá’s buses, I fear that just transition is slipping out of our hands

“December 2021. That’s the last date when the buses I have been working in and around my whole life will be phased out, for a new generation of all-electric ones. …