Analysis of the formal-informal transitions in the Ecuadorian labour market.

The study provides an analysis of the transition between formal and informal sectors. Throughout the report, the author reviews the literature and previous data from the national survey and statistics …

Sentence N° 375-17-SEP-CC, Case N° 0526-13-EP, Constitutional Court of Ecuador

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has established as jurisprudential rules that workers with catastrophic/professional illnesses have labor stability and can not be separated from their jobs because of their health …

Brazil Case Law: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003

The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed the decision that held the Spanish fashion retailer Zara accountable for workers’ rights violations in its supply chain. The Brazilian government …

Brazil Case Law: TST-AIRR-2136-56.2014.5.03.0038

This case shows how the Higher Labor Court in Brazil is deciding claims against the difference of wage between women and men. There are four requirements for wage matching (Labor …

Vulnerable women in a thriving country: An analysis of twenty-first-century domestic workers in Peru and recommendations for future research

The study analyses domestic workers discrimination in Peru using data from the National Household Survey (ENAHO) and it also includes some recommendations.

U.S. Supreme Court May Shield Companies From Human-Rights Lawsuits

The article draws conclusions from the more conservative Supreme Court justices’ lines of questioning in Jesner v. Arab Bank regarding the Alien Tort Statute. The case before the Court centered …

Canada: Puniani v. Rakesh Majithia CA Professional Corporation (2017 HRTO 1335)

The tribunal found that the employer-respondent terminated the applicant’s employment because she was pregnant. The tribunal ordered financial compensation for discrimination with respect to employment due to sex.

Unscrupulous recruiters keep migrant workers in ‘debt bondage’

The news reveals the phenomenon that the low-wage migrant workers are forced to pay job recruiters, while under Canadian rules, it is the employer that should bear that costs.

Ernest & Young Studies Race, Gender and Exclusion: The Top Takeaways

An 2017 Ernest & Young study with a sample size of more than 1,000 employed US Americans, 18 years of age and older. Three Key Findings: 32 % of men …

Ineffective dismissal in Ecuadorian legislation. An analysis of the reforms incorporated in the Labor Code for working mothers.

Title in Spanish: “El despido ineficaz en la legislación ecuatoriana. Un análisis de las reformas incorporadas en el Código del Trabajo para las madres trabajadoras” The article tackles the protection …