Ivan Ostos, a 23-year-old Foodora bike courier who was injured on the job in Toronto, is encouraging others to demand better protection for themselves, by being part of a union. …
Ivan Ostos, a 23-year-old Foodora bike courier who was injured on the job in Toronto, is encouraging others to demand better protection for themselves, by being part of a union. …
The work migrant caregivers do is difficult, and it is important. And the vast majority of these workers are racialized women. Thousands of British Columbian families rely on migrant workers …
The letter was written for an unnamed “virtual marketplace company” that operates in the gig economy. DOL described a VMC as an online and/or smartphone-based referral service that connects service …
Con 70 votos a favor y 50 en contra, el Pleno del Senado de la República aprobó los artículos reservados en los términos del dictamen de reforma laboral para justicia …
The Labor Department weighed in Monday on a question whose answer could be worth billions of dollars to gig-economy companies as they begin selling shares to the public: Are their workers employees …
La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) con sede en Ginebra remitió a la Asamblea Legislativa su criterio respecto al proyecto de ley para reformar el derecho a la huelga, que …
The Supreme Court decided Monday to hear a trio of cases addressing a long-disputed and critically important question: whether discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited under the Civil …
MONTERREY, Mexico (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Mexico’s government is planning to introduce a specific minimum wage for its 2 million domestic workers in a drive to boost their labor rights after years of …
La Cour d’appel du Nouveau-Brunswick a rendu sa décision : le droit de grève demeure interdit aux employés des foyers de soins du Nouveau-Brunswick, confirme Simon Ouellette, responsable des communications du …
Law and Politics in Employee Classification
As has been widely reported, the U.S. Department of Labor issued an “opinion letter” yesterday concluding that an unnamed “virtual marketplace company” does not employ the workers who make the company …