Muslim Amazon employees say they fear taking time to pray at work, are discriminated against in several ways

Three Muslim employees at an Amazon warehouse in Minneapolis say they “have experienced discriminatory treatment, hostile work environment, retaliation, and constructive discharge” at work, according to a letter written by Muslim …

How Volkswagen Has Gotten Away With Union-Busting

Labor law is not workers’ law. That’s the lesson learned by pro-union workers at Volkswagen’s sole U.S. factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Workers filed for an election to join the United …

Cleaner was employee and not independent contractor under Quebec statute, SCC rules

A cleaner who had a franchise agreement with a cleaning company was an employee and not an independent contractor pursuant to Quebec’s Act Respecting Collective Agreement Decrees, the Supreme Court …

Modern Cleaning Concept Inc. v. Comité paritaire de l’entretien d’édifices publics de la région de Québec, 2019 SCC 28 (CanLII)

The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that a cleaner who had a franchise agreement with Modern Cleaning Concept Inc. was an employee, not an independent contractor, under the Quebec Act Respecting …


The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the California Supreme Court’s landmark 2018 Dynamex decision, which makes it harder for businesses to classify their workers as independent contractors, …

California janitors may get labor law protections in wake of federal court decision

In a decision opening yet another front in the battle over how to classify workers, a federal appeals court Thursday ruled that an international franchiser could be forced to treat its California …

DECRETO por el que se reforman, adicionan y derogan diversas disposiciones de la Ley Federal del Trabajo, de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial de la Federación, de la Ley Federal de la Defensoría Pública, de la Ley del Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores y de la Ley del Seguro Social, en materia de Justicia Laboral, Libertad Sindical y Negociación Colectiva.

Diaro Oficial:

Secretaría del Trabajo: Nace un nuevo modelo laboral

Si alguien nos hubiera dicho que para el primero de mayo el Congreso habría modificado las normas que durante décadas permitieron un modelo laboral basado en el control y el corporativismo, y devolvería a los trabajadores los derechos …

Foodora Couriers Want to Be Among First Gig Economy Workers to Unionize in Canada

Ivan Ostos, a 23-year-old Foodora bike courier who was injured on the job in Toronto, is encouraging others to demand better protection for themselves, by being part of a union. …

Law and Politics in Employee Classification

As has been widely reported, the U.S. Department of Labor issued an “opinion letter” yesterday concluding that an unnamed “virtual marketplace company” does not employ the workers who make the company …