Las normas del trabajo en los Bancos Multilaterales de Desarrollo: una guía sindical

Los bancos multilaterales de desarrollo proporcionan cada año miles de millones de dólares en forma de préstamos destinados a proyectos en países en desarrollo, para los cuales se requiere un …

The labour standards of the multilateral development banks: A trade union guide

Multilateral development banks provide billions of dollars in loans every year to projects in developing countries, involving a vast number of workers. Borrowers of the loans include both public entities …

Toolkit on Lawyers at Risk

The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute in cooperation with its long-term partners  launched the Toolkit on Lawyers at Risk. The Toolkit on Lawyers at Risk is a unique tool …

A Global System of Work, A Global System of Regulation?: Crowdwork and Conflicts of Law

On-demand platforms are changing and reshaping our conceptions of both the firm and the work relationship in far-reaching and critical ways, allowing companies to hire workers and to seek customers …

Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Multi- and interdisciplinary journal on the nexus between human trafficking, enslavement and conflict-related sexual violence.


Human rights advocates have hailed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) as an international bill of rights for women. The Convention and its …

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer

In a time of shrinking space for civil society and increasing encroachment on the independence of the judiciary, attacks on lawyers are becoming more systematic and widespread on a global …

January 24, 2020

ILAW Webinar Series: Right to Strike in International Law

This first webinar, hosted by Jeff Vogt, will be focused on the Right to Strike in International Law. The aim is to discuss the ways in which the right to …

January 28, 2020

Time to care: Unpaid and underpaid care work and the global inequality crisis

A TALE OF TWO EXTREMES Economic inequality is out of control. In 2019, the world’s billionaires, only 2,153 people, had more wealth than 4.6 billion people. The richest 22 men …

40 économies réalisent 62 réformes juridiques pour faire progresser la participation économique des femmes

L’environnement réglementaire de la participation économique des femmes s’est amélioré au cours des deux dernières années, avec 40 économies qui ont adopté 62 réformes qui aideront les femmes – la …