More than 59 countries have introduced telework as a measure to ensure social distancing in order to contain the spread of COVID-19. Even countries that did not introduce lockdown measures …
More than 59 countries have introduced telework as a measure to ensure social distancing in order to contain the spread of COVID-19. Even countries that did not introduce lockdown measures …
US and European fashion companies canceled a huge volume of orders from their suppliers after Covid-19 hammered sales earlier this year. The consequences were far-reaching. Many of those factories are in low-wage …
On behalf of SEWA Bharat and UN Women, we’re pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on November 2, 2020, at 6.30 PM IST/8 AM EST titled “Resilience and Women Micro-Entrepreneurs: COVID-19 …
Si bien calcular el número de las personas con discapacidad en el mundo es una tarea complicada, pues no existen registros oficiales, y también porque en ese proceso se involucran otros …
Fratelli Tutti: Pope Francis’ Encyclical and Implications for Labour Law
On 3 October 2020, Pope Francis signed his encyclical, Fratelli Tutti – on fraternity and social friendship. This sets forth his vision of what is needed to inspire a ‘rebirth’ of ‘fraternity …