“The UK Government’s consultation on employment classification and control: A response”

In this response to the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) government’s 2018 consultation efforts on how to define employment status, the authors focused on one element under consideration by the U.K. government …

ADIS study: A large-scale correspondence test on labor market discrimination in Germany – Technical Report

This project examines the labour market discrimination against second generation immigrants. It was conducted between October 2014 to April 2016. It involved an application for 7,557 job vacancies in 8 …

Legal and punitive measures in place to tackle workplace discrimination (Singapore)

Singapore’s employment laws protect employees against wrongful dismissal on discriminatory grounds such as age, pregnancy or family responsibilities, and against discriminatory employment practices. Employees who feel that they have been …

Belgium: Arbeidshof Brus, 27 Apr. 2018, Case Nr. 2016/AB/1.219

Where a report by the prevention adviser exists and there is no reason to question the accuracy of the findings and the impartiality of the author of the report, the …

Belgium: C.Trav. Brux., 25 Apr. 2018, Case Nr. 2017/AB/22

The person who meets the majority of the specific criteria laid down in the Royal Decree of 7 June 2013 is presumed to have performed his or her duties under …

UK: “Migrating Industrial Relations: Migrant Workers’ Initiative Within and Outside Trade Unions”

In this article, the authors explore the experiences of low-paid Latin-American workers in London. They examine how established trade unions have sought to represent these workers, using conventional organizing strategies, …

Uber loses EU case against French criminal charges

The EU Courts have decided that the EU does not need to be “pre-notified” about national criminal laws applying to Uber managers for running an “illegal taxi service.” While Uber …

Shadow Report – Racism & Discrimination in Employment in Europe

The ENAR compiles this report every year based on “shadow reports” from 23 EU member-states over the last five years – exploring discrimination in employment.  The report attempts to close …

Shadow Report – Racism & Discrimination in Employment in Europe

The ENAR compiles this report every year based on “shadow reports” from 23 EU member-states over the last five years – exploring discrimination in employment.  The report attempts to close …

Belgium: Wage gap: still an unacceptable level!

After the positive trend of a few years ago, the wage gap between women and men now seems to have stagnated at 20% for four years now. On the one …