Dutch child labour due diligence law: a step towards mandatory human rights due diligence

“The Dutch law introduces a duty of care [zorgplicht] to prevent the supply of goods or services which have been produced using child labour. This duty is different to the …

Drame du Rana Plaza : quelles entreprises ont tiré les leçons ?

En 2017, quatre ans après la catastrophe qui a fait plus de 1 000 morts au Bangladesh, la France a adopté une loi sur la responsabilité des sociétés. Dans un rapport, publié ce jeudi et …

Opinion: EU-Vietnam trade deal a bad day for workers’ rights


European Union Resolution on Transparent & Predictable Working Conditions

“Whereas: (1)  Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provides that every worker has the right to working conditions which respect his or her health, safety …

Italy: Are your tinned tomatoes picked by slave labour?

On 6 August last year, 14 immigrant farmhands in Foggia, on the ankle of the Italian boot, were coming home from a 12-hour shift picking tomatoes in 40C heat. The …

ILO Report: Lessons learned from the ILO’s Refugee Response Programme in Turkey – Supporting livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities

The report offers a comprehensive picture of the lessons learned in the ILO Turkey’s Refugee Response Programme, which targets over 3.6 million Syrian refugees and an estimated number of 400,000 …

Formal notice to Total to comply with the Duty of Vigilance Law

  Formal notice to comply with the Duty of Vigilance Law – article L. 225-102-4.-I et II of the French commercial Code

El Tribunal Supremo condena a Servicarne a indemnizar a CNT por vulnerar su derecho a la libertad sindical

La lucha de CNT se remonta al año 2014, siendo el primer sindicato que planteó reivindicaciones laborales para los socios/as-trabajadores/as de Servicarne. Una importante lucha sindical que ha culminado con …

Belgium: C.Trav. Liege, 14 June 2019, Case Nr. 2017/AL/510

The selling technique, chosen and claimed by shop manager imposing a seductive dress code on her saleswomen is a sexist option goes against the respect due to the people she …

Local Labor Laws Apply to Ryanair Employees: Belgian Court

Belgium’s labor laws can apply to Ryanair employees based in the country, a local court ruled on Friday, in a case that could set a precedent elsewhere in Europe and …