Albania: Newly formed Trade Union of United Mineworkers of Bulqiza Facing Worker Repression

The Trade Union of United Mineworkers of Bulqiza (Albania) announced its formation on November 17, 2019. Five days later, the chairman of the union was dismissed by AlbChrome, part of …

EU’s Regulation on Investor Disclosure on sustainability risks and due diligence

New rules, which came into force in December 2019, require European investors such as banks, pension funds and insurers, to disclose their impacts on people and planet and to publish …

Draft act relating to transparency regarding supply chains, the duty to know and due diligence

The full report on the draft is available in Norwegian: Excerpts of the report are available in English at:

Two Years In: Has the Duty of Vigilance Law led to more Meaningful Disclosure?

Key Findings While reporting remains relatively immature, it appears that the requirements of the Duty of Vigilance Law have pushed companies to improve their reporting. In certain areas, such as …

Nuevo Varapalo a Glovo: el TSJ de Madrid falla que sus ‘riders’ son asalariados y no autónomos

Nuevo varapalo judicial para el modelo laboral que aplica Glovo en España. El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid (TSJM) falló esta semana que sus trabajadores (denominados riders o glovers) están bajo un régimen de cuenta …


El tema de los trabajadores de plataformas en el sector del transporte de mercancías en ciudad está en el centro de los debates jurídicos actuales. La prensa da cuenta hoy …

Belgium: Arbeidsrechtbank Brus., 28 Nov. 2019

The refusal to admit candidates to the selection and/or training of air traffic controllers solely because, at the time of registration for the recruitment competition, they are over 25 years …

Netherlands: Guidelines on price arrangements between self-employed workers

Self-employed workers are undertakings. They determine their products, prices, and service themselves. That is why the competition rules also apply to self-employed workers. However, there are situations where the competition …

Royal Mail Union Appeals Court Ruling on Postal Strike

Royal Mail’s biggest workers’ union lodged an appeal on Wednesday with Britain’s High Court after the postal service company won an injunction to stop a strike ahead of a general …

Beyond Compliance in the Hotel Sector: A Review of UK Modern Slavery Act Statements

There is a high-risk of exploitation within the hotel sector due to its vulnerable workforce, complex supply chains with little transparency, and limited oversight from brands and multinational hotel companies …