The ILAW Network expresses deep concern regarding the draft law No. 4303 “On Promoting the Development of Digital Economy in Ukraine”. The law would create a new legal category of …
The Council today adopted a decision and a regulation establishing a global human rights sanctions regime. For the first time, the EU is equipping itself with a framework that will …
In September an appeals court in canton Vaud ruled that the Uberpop driver had been unfairly dismissed and should enjoy the same rights as an employee of a taxi company. The man …
“A proposal in Switzerland to make multinational companies headquartered in the country liable for human rights violations and environmental damage committed by their subsidiaries abroad failed in a referendum on …
Glovo ha l’obbligo di assumere il suo rider come dipendente, a tempo pieno e indeterminato. Non solo: deve pure pagarlo con uno stipendio orario, quindi non a cottimo come ha fatto finora, e applicare i minimi salariali previsti dal contratto …
At the request of the International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network member Gentian Sejrani, the ILAW Network wrote an open letter calling on the Albanian Government to ensure the immediate …
La multinacional de reparto de comida a domicilio Just Eat ha anunciado este miércoles que contratará directamente a su propia flota de repartidores en España, que compatibilizará con el …
De positie van Uber-chauffeurs is al jaren onderwerp van discussie. Volgens het Amerikaanse techbedrijf zijn alle chauffeurs die via de app rijden zelfstandig ondernemers, maar vakbonden en verschillende buitenlandse rechters …
Finding a silver lining in the rejection of the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: a hope of legal accountability in the parliamentary counterproposal (Part 1)
On 29th November 2020, Switzerland narrowly rejected the popular Responsible Business Initiative (RBI) which would have obliged Swiss companies and the businesses they control anywhere in the world to respect human rights and …