The Netherlands recognizes a right to telework

On 05 July, the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) approved an initiative bill geared towards making home working a legal right. This text, supported by the social liberal Democrats …

Basfar v Wong [2022] UKSC 20

The Court concluded that, on the assumed facts, the claim brought by Ms Wong falls within the exception from immunity provided for in article 31(1)(c) of the Vienna Convention on …

Diplomats who exploit domestic staff cannot rely on immunity, says UK supreme court

The UK’s highest court has ruled that diplomats who exploit domestic workers in conditions of modern slavery cannot rely on diplomatic immunity to prevent compensation claims. Describing exploitation of migrant …

Association of Civil Servants and Union for Collective Bargaining and Others v. Germany, ECtHR

This case concerned the Uniformity of Collective Agreements Act (Tarifeinheitsgesetz), which regulates conflicts that arise if there are several collective agreements in one “business unit” (Betrieb) of a company2. The …

European Unions and Employers sign historic deal

European trade unions and employers will tomorrow sign a work programme, including to negotiate a legally binding agreement on ‘Telework and right to disconnect’. ETUC, BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited …

In Hungary, the right to strike has been curtailed by Viktor Orbán

“Éva Vatai, a French teacher at a high school in Pécs, in southern Hungary, cannot believe it. She was recently docked five per cent of her pay – Ft16,700 (€44) …

Zero-hours contracts and English employment Law: Developments and possibilities

“The UK has seen a dramatic growth in precarious work over recent decades, including the amorphous category of ‘zero-hours contracts’ which are often regarded as a paradigm example of an …

EU to sanction trade partners breaching labour, climate rules

EU trading partners who breach international labour standards or climate commitments, face being slapped with sanctions, under EU Commission proposals on Wednesday (22 June). “While our approach should remain centred …

Commission unveils new approach to trade agreements to promote green and just growth

The European Commission is today taking a major step in making EU trade greener, fairer and more sustainable. It has unveiled a new plan to enhance the contribution of EU …

Train strike: UK government’s plan to replace strikers with agency workers failed in 2015 – it still won’t work today

As the UK government faces the prospect of a summer of strikes, it has reintroduced plans to change the law so agency workers can be hired to replace striking workers. While this will …