Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2015

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters …

Mongolia: Survey on Implementation Status of the Collective Agreements and Collective Bargaining

This is the first extensive research on collective agreements and collective bargaining implementation in Mongolia. The research examined the implementation of laws and practice of collective bargaining and collective agreements. …

OECD Case: PWT Group’s role in the Rana Plaza collapse

NCPs involved: Danish Business Authority Erhvervsstyrelsen COUNTRY OF OPERATIONS: Bangladesh DATE: 12 December 2014 STATUS: Concluded ISSUE: The complaint alleged that PWT Group failed to carry out due diligence regarding …

FNV Kunsten Informatie en Media v Staat der Nederlanden

The CJEU held that on a proper construction of EU law, it is only when self-employed service providers who are members of one of the contracting employees’ organisations and perform …

Article from the Editor: “Embarrassment: The New Union-Organizing Tool” From the author: “In recent years, unions and other third parties have heavily used public embarrassment as a means of organizing employees. The key to conventional union organizing is …

FNV Kunsten Informatie en Media v Staat der Nederlanden (Opinion of Advocate General)

FNV Kunsten Informatie en Media and the Nederlandse toonkunstenaarsbond, associations representing employees and self-employed persons, and Vereniging van Stichtingen Remplaçanten Nederlandse Orkesten, an employers’ association, concluded a collective labour agreement …

Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Germany (Towards a more expansive and solidaristic development?)

Trade union role in determination of wage through collective bargaining has decreased significantly in the last decade in Germany. However, with the introduction of minimum wage at the national level …

Gender analysis of the Russian labor market

This research paper examines gender discrimination in Russia, including widespread inequality in pay. The research paper also contains statistical employment information disaggregated by gender.

National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers v. the United Kingdom

European Court of Human Rights

Armenia: Russia Puts Squeeze on Migrant Workers 

This article discusses the Armenian migrant workers in Russia. In 2014 Russia changes the law in the detriment of Armenian migrants. Armenian migrants were allowed to stay in Russia no …