Agility Over Stability: China’s Great Reversal in Regulating the Platform Economy

This paper develops a new theoretical framework to analyze Chinese regulatory governance by considering the strategic interaction between four key players involved in the regulatory process: the top leadership, the …

India: Covid-19, the Executive, and the Judiciary

“From the declaration of India’s first national lockdown, on 23 March 2020, India’s executive has taken a range of actions, purportedly to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many …

Transnational Legal Activism in Global Value Chains – The Ali Enterprises Factory Fire and the Struggle for Justice

This book records and analyzes the thinking, strategies and work around the struggle for justice for the survivors and victims of the Ali Enterprises Factory Fire in Pakistan.

Top fashion brands face legal challenge over garment workers’ rights in Asia

Legal complaints are being filed against some of the world’s largest fashion brands in major garment-producing countries across Asia in a groundbreaking attempt to hold the global fashion industry legally …

Money Heist: COVID-19 Wage Theft in Global Garment Supply Chains

“The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the undeniable truth that extreme labour exploitation forms the core feature of global apparel supply chains. The humanitarian crisis unleashed on garment workers in Asia due …

Esquel sues US Government over Xinjiang sourcing claims

The Hong-Kong based textile and apparel manufacturer says the listing falsely implicated Changji Esquel in using forced labour in China’s Xinjiang region, a conclusion that “contradicts the facts, including audits …

‘Tire them out’: Challenges of litigating compensation claims under Bangladesh Labour Act 2006

Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) in collaboration with The Daily Star arranged a virtual webinar to launch the report “Tire Them Out: Challenges of litigating compensation claims under …

Envisioning Equitable Access to Justice for Migrant Workers in India

“Mobility restrictions due to the pandemic continue to cause havoc in the lives of internal migrant workers whose livelihoods depend on low paying jobs in the unorganised sector. The situation …

France investigates fashion brands over forced Uyghur labour claims

French prosecutors have opened an investigation into four multinational fashion retailers on suspicion of concealing and profiting from crimes against humanity in China’s Xinjiang region by sourcing goods produced using forced Uyghur …

U.S. bans imports of solar panel material from Chinese company

The Biden administration on Wednesday ordered a ban on U.S. imports of a key solar panel material from Chinese-based Hoshine Silicon Industry Co (603260.SS) over forced labor allegations, two sources briefed on …