Access to justice for workers and employment standards in Central Eastern European countries

“Statutory regulation has always been a principal tool regulating labour markets across Central Eastern European countries – Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia (CEECs). Its role has been especially aggravated now …

A socially just transition through the European Green Deal?

This Working Paper meant to provide a preliminary assessment of whether the European Green Deal constitutes a suitable policy framework to combine environmental and economic objectives with the pursuit of …

Registering Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements in Mexico

MSN continues to monitor the profound transformation of Mexico’s labour justice system initiated by the Constitutional Reform of 2017, and the adoption of secondary legislation reforming the Federal Labour Law …

OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A spotlight on exploitation in the fashion industry

“This short report is designed as a guide to the Fashion Checker tool ( and highlights what is missing in regards to brand commitments and practices in paying a living …

India: Occupational Safety Continues to be Ignored as a Right

“Newspaper reports of workplace accidents have been appearing with an alarming frequency even as lawmakers have been busy drafting and redrafting the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code. During …

EU: Relevance of gender in the Migration Policy

“Around seven per cent of the total population living in the EU Member States are born outside of the EU, and half of them are women and girls. Work, study …

US-Africa trade relations: Why is AGOA better than a bilateral free trade agreement?

“In recent months, the U.S. began negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement with Kenya. These negotiations are aligned with the current administration’s vision for trade reciprocity rather than unilateral …

The ongoing struggle to protect Guinea’s domestic workers

“On reaching the home where she was hired as a domestic worker, on 30 May 2020, in the Sangoya district in the upper suburbs of the Guinean capital, Conakry, 20-year-old …

 ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work

Here is the sixth edition of the ILO Monitor on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the world of work.

Purchasing Power: How the U.S. Government Can Use Federal Procurement to Uphold Human Rights

Purchasing Power: How the U.S. Government Can Use Federal Procurement to Uphold Human Rights makes a series of recommendations to reform federal procurement from four high-risk sectors to ensure the human …