A dangerous new law in Egypt allows for the dismissal of any public employee who opposes the regime

On 1 August, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi approved a law, previously approved by parliament, allowing for the non-disciplinary dismissal of public employees. Referred to in the media as the ‘Law on …

When Doctors strike: Making Sense of Professional Organizing in Kenya

“Little is known about how the health professions organize in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is particularly troubling as health worker strikes in LMICs appear to be growing more …

ETUI: Social Protection of Non-standard Workers & the Self-Employed during the Pandemic

“The Covid‑19 pandemic severely affected some categories of non-standard workers, and particularly the self‑employed. The emergency measures cushioned the potentially disastrous effect on their social circumstances, but undeniably highlighted even more the gaps in …

A modern guide to labour and the platform economy

“Providing an insightful analysis of the key issues and significant trends relating to labour within the platform economy, this Modern Guide considers the existing comparative evidence covering all world regions. …

Recovering the Moral Economy Foundations of the Sherman Act

This Feature deepens and seeks to provide a foundation for the current broadening in the anti-trust debate and, ultimately, in adjacent areas relating to market organization. As normative reconstruction, it …

Recovering the Moral Economy Foundations of the Sherman Act

ABSTRACT. This Feature deepens and seeks to provide a foundation for the current broadening in the anti-trust debate and, ultimately, in adjacent areas relating to market organization. As normative reconstruction, it …


“Governments are increasingly aware that, to address climate breakdown and unsustainable inequality, new forms of regulation are needed to direct companies and investment towards respect for human rights and environmentally …

Legal Levers: Deterring Labor Abuses at Mega-Sporting Events

“Mega-sporting events are rife with human rights abuses, but the Tokyo Olympics and Qatar World Cup have focused the spotlight on the labor violations and abuses suffered by workers at these events. Laborers in Tokyo suffered mistreatment, …

SB 62: Durazo. Employment: garment manufacturing

“The garment industry in California is rife with violations of minimum wage law, overtime laws, and health and safety standards. California has the highest concentration of garment industry workers in …

Charting the Reform Path

Sharon Block’s and Benjamin H. Harris’ edited volume of policy-oriented essays, Inequality and the Labor Market: The Case for Greater Competition, is a valuable contribution to the developing conversation about …