JUST BEAT IT! How Just Eat Robo-fires its Workers

“Report reveals the algorithmic dismissal of workers over false fraud allegations at Just Eat Just Eat relied on faulty automated decision-making to robo-fire workers without adequate explanation or right of …

The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line

“The Future of Unions and Worker Representation, written by Professor Anthony Forsyth, thoroughly examines four countries and industrial relations systems—Australia, the UK, the USA, and Italy—to assess and contrast their …

IACHR Issues Report on the Pandemic and Human Rights

“In this report, the Commission assesses the impact on human rights of measures taken by States to counter the pandemic, as well as the lessons learned from that experience. Based …

Following a six-year battle, street vendors in the Indian state of Meghalaya have secured new legal rights

For decades, the street vendors of Shillong, the capital of the Indian state of Meghalaya, have worked on the busy stretch from Police Bazar to Bara Bazar, selling a wide …

Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: IS IT FIT FOR PURPOSE?

Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: Is It Fit For Purpose? is the third report released in a multi-year collaborative project evaluating company responses to Australia’s modern slavery reporting regime, and follows earlier …


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a boom in the on – line grocery market and rapid-delivery services, with the emergence of new quick-commerce (q-commerce) startups delivering from “dark stores.” …

Striking Against All Odds

“More than two years have passed since the coup in Myanmar. There have been crackdowns on trade unions shortly after the coup, and militant union leaders have been arrested or driven …

Defending Waste Pickers’ Livelihoods: Lessons from Litigation in Latin America

Waste pickers have won several legal actions in Latin America over the past two decades. This edition of Law & Informality Insights – Defending Waste Pickers’ Livelihoods: Lessons from Litigation in …

ILO Committee on Freedom of Association Report (2023)

ILO’s Committee on Freedom of Association Report https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_872245.pdf https://www.ilo.org/gb/GBSessions/GB347/ins/WCMS_873062/lang–en/index.htm (additional languages available here)

Dutch NCP: Final Statement FNV vs Just Eat Takeaway.com (OECD Complaint)

“On 22 March 2023, the Dutch NCP published the Final Statement on the specific instance of the Dutch trade union FNV vs Just Eat Takeaway.com. The notification regards alleged violations …