42% of US working women reported gender discrimination at work on the job because of their gender, according to a new analysis of Pew Research Center survey data. 22% of US men …
42% of US working women reported gender discrimination at work on the job because of their gender, according to a new analysis of Pew Research Center survey data. 22% of US men …
The Government of Canada released the news to manifest its determination to protect the migrant workers in Canada and some specific measures are also listed. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2017/12/government_of_canadaofferssupporttovulnerablemigrantworkersincan.html
Looking beyond the ‘arm’s length transaction’ between certain contractual parties in a special relationship, the purpose of this guidance is to identify paths to accountability for human rights abuses in …
This research note discussed the theories about wages, working conditions and global supply chains. People interpret the relationship between global supply chains and working conditions in different theories. But we …
The study provides an analysis of the transition between formal and informal sectors. Throughout the report, the author reviews the literature and previous data from the national survey and statistics …
The article provides a statistical report on the emergence of digital era in India and importantly, its impact on the labor population, employment with regard to contractual workers and workers …
The Royal Government of Cambodia issued its second Labor Migration Policy (LMP) in December 2014. The LMP was developed by the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MOLVT), relevant line …
This article examines the phenomenon of a rapid increase in hand car washes in the UK. In this context, the authors ask what this increase tells us about “informalization of …
This article examines employment discrimination law in Russia, including under the Constitution and Labor Code. The article also summarizes the most widespread kinds of discrimination in Russia and how people …
This consensus focuses on fundamental rights of migrant workers and the members of their families, specific rights of migrant workers, obligations of sending states and receiving states. https://asean.org/storage/2017/11/ASEAN-Consensus-on-the-Protection-and-Promotion-of-the-Rights-of-Migrant-Workers.pdf
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
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