NGOs file petition to prevent importation of chocolate made with child labor

Corporate Accountability Lab (CAL), International Rights Advocates (IRAdvocates) and the UC Irvine Civil Rights Litigation Clinic today submitted a petition under section 307 of the Trade Act of 1930 to …

Tackling cyberbullying in the world of work

It started as an investigation into something long dismissed as an urban legend. Finally, even if far too late, the awful scale of the Parisian Ligue du LOL – internationally known as the LOL league – …

Hamida Begum v Maran (UK) Ltd

The Claimant brings a claim against Maran UK Limited for negligence and breach of common law duty of care relating to fatal injuries suffered by the Claimant’s late husband, MD …

Publicación OIT: “Trabajo a domicilio. De la invisibilidad al trabajo decente.

El pasado mes de enero, la OIT ha publicado el informe: “Trabajo a domicilio. De la invisibilidad al trabajo decente”; que tiene por objeto conocer mejor el trabajo a domicilio, …

BILL: BILL C-423 An Act respecting the fight against certain forms of modern slavery through the imposition of certain measures and amending the Customs Tariff

This enactment enacts the Modern Slavery Act, which imposes an obligation on certain entities to report on the measures taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child …

Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines Final Statement UNI Global Union vs. VEON

The NCP’s statement respond to a complaint filed by UNI Global union in 2016. UNI Global Union’s complaint alleged that the company harassed workers to suppress organizing with the Banglalink …

Lydia Olson, et al. v. State of California, et al.

On January 8, 2020, Plaintiffs Lydia Olson, Miguel Perez, Postmates Inc. (“Postmates”), and Uber Technologies, Inc. (“Uber”) filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction requesting that the Court enjoin the enforcement …


Social dialogue has a vital role to play in supporting the transition from the informal to the formal economy. This transition is a key policy issue that demands urgent attention …

BILL: H.R.2474 – Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2019

This bill amends the National Labor Relations Act and related labor laws to extend protections to union workers. Specifically, it revises the definition of “employee” and “supervisor” to prevent employers …

Interactions between Workers’ Organizations and Workers in the Informal Economy: A Compendium of Practice

This ILO publication offers concrete examples, drawn from around the world, showing how trade unions have sought to reach out to workers in the informal economy to reduce the decent …