Read the latest issue of The Global Labour Rights Reporter: “Forging a Feminist Labour Law

The US Forced Labor Import Ban as a Tool to Raise Labor Standards in Supply Chain Contexts: Strategic Approaches to Advocacy

“The United States has banned the importation of goods made with forced labor since 1930. Until recently, however, this law—Section 307 of the US Tariff Act of 1930—was rarely applied, …

Refugees and decent work: Lessons learned from recent refugee jobs compacts

The paper “addresses refugee livelihoods – in particular, waged work for refugees – from a labour standards perspective. This is in contrast to the usual approach to refugee livelihoods, in …

Regulating the Human Supply Chain

Iowa Law Review, Vol. 102, 2017  Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2914424 U.S. employers’ recruitment of migrant workers from abroad has created a global “human supply chain” that is …

Regulating the Human Supply Chain

The Article highlights a stark governance deficit with regard to human supply chains, analyzing the causes and harmful effects of an effectively unregulated world market for human labor.  This paper …

Global Labor Recruitment in Supply Chain Context

The paper examines the market structure of international labour recruitment, how it works and why regulations fail. It then argues for a joint liability approach to regulating recruitment, examining government led approaches in …

Transnational Labor Citizenship

Gordon offers “transnational labor citizenship” as a means to break down barriers of national citizenship between domestic and migrant workers. Her article asserts that political participation, in the age of …

Transnational Labor Citizenship

Southern California Law Review, Vol. 80, p. 503, 2007 This article discusses a new approach to regulating cross-border labor migration, through what Gordon calls “transnational labor citizenship.” Under this model, …